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OneDestinationItem - Class in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common
Wrapper class for json transport.
OneDestinationItem(ParentReference, String) - Constructor for class de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common.OneDestinationItem
OneDestinationItem(ParentReference) - Constructor for class de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common.OneDestinationItem
OneDownloadFile - Interface in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.downloadFile
This Interface provides all Methods to handle a File download
OneDrive - Interface in
This Interface provides all Method to handle a specific Drive
OneDriveAuthenticationException - Exception in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.networking
This is Exception is used to indicated that an unauthorized session has been used for an operatio
OneDriveAuthenticationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.networking.OneDriveAuthenticationException
OneDriveAuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.networking.OneDriveAuthenticationException
OneDriveCredentials - Class in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common
Loads the clientId and the clientSecret from a properties file.
OneDriveCredentials() - Constructor for class de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common.OneDriveCredentials
OneDriveError - Class in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common
Data object for json transport
OneDriveError() - Constructor for class de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common.OneDriveError
OneDriveException - Exception in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk
Exception that can be thrown on all API calls, mostly JSON error responses from the oneDrive server
OneDriveException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.OneDriveException
OneDriveException(String) - Constructor for exception de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.OneDriveException
OneDriveFactory - Class in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk
OneDriveFactory() - Constructor for class de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.OneDriveFactory
OneDriveScope - Enum in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common
The different scopes for using the OneDrive API.
OneDriveSDK - Interface in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk
This interface provides the functionality of the OneDrive API.
OneDriveSession - Class in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.networking
Handel's authentication and continues refresh of the accessToken.
OneFile - Interface in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.file
This Interface provides all Methods to handle a File
OneFolder - Interface in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.folder
This Interface provides all Methods to handle a Folder
OneItem - Class in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common
The root class of all files and folder types that can be accessed through this sdk.
OneItem() - Constructor for class de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common.OneItem
OneItemType - Enum in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.common
Used for parsing a specific type of files.
OneUploadFile - Interface in de.tuberlin.onedrivesdk.uploadFile
This Interface provides all Methods to (resumable) upload a File
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